Phone: 0417 760 529
(Market Organiser)

VENUE: Stanthorpe Showgrounds, 8 High Street
(Entry at the Top of the Town Tourist Park end)


Our Aims

Market in the Mountains was brought into being to promote local arts and crafts and to provide a showcase for the many talented people who live on Queensland’s Granite Belt. It was also hoped that this Market could provide the base from which a stallholder could launch a small business. There is an amazing number of small businesses in and around Stanthorpe who first showcased their craft at Market in the Mountains and have since become an integral part of the community.

For many years we have maintained a policy of the items sold at our market, be produced by the stallholder you meet. This has proved to be an enduring magnet for visitors to return time and time again as they know they will find QUALITY on the Granite Belt.

Stanthorpe Crafters & Hobbyists Assoc. Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation and our aim is to provide support for the local Community. We offer a free stall site at each Market to other local Community groups so they may inform visitors of their aims and contributions to society. They usually have a raffle, drawn on the day, to help raise much-needed funds for their particular group. This Community group is always the leading article in our Newsletter which is handed out at each Market. Each year we support the local agricultural show by providing some sponsorship to the Cooking, Handcrafts, Pottery, Woodwork and Stitchcraft sections. We hope this will encourage people with their arts and crafts and keep a great tradition of the local show alive.